Welcome 2 My Site!
- coded on firefox on a 1440x900 display mac, do whatever you need to to best emulate this 4 best viewing. not (yet) 100% compatible on mobile!
- contains lots of gifs, minimal javascript (dark/light theme switcher), iframes, and frequent use of profanities
- broken, updated, and renovated frequently. if something looks ugly as hell...it wont b like that forever
Accessibility Notes
im currently trying to update all my pages to be more accessible. most pages, as of now, dont reach most bare minimum requirements to be qualifiied as accesible. contrast, screensize compatibility, image alt text, and (probably) screen reader friendliness are some of the issues
proper text contrast/styling, mobile friendliness, dark/light theme switchers, remaking my uh poop home page and sematic html are some of the things im attempting to impliment right now.
if this does not fit your needs, feel free to click away