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all my multi-panel works
idk i made this cause er i make a lot of them but i dont think im very good at making them (yet)... help literally how the fuck do you panel and make sure your text boxes are like accurately sized and make everything have good compisition and flow. man.
i had like mad ones of these before but i lost all of them when i broke my phone (reoccuring bit of lore that i keep mentionining) but yeah kek........
Not the Same - 1/13/24
i havent drawn many comics cause i like doing them digitally and i couldnt do that for a while! so im a bit rusty yet i feel like this is the best one i made yet???? like the speak bubbles are placed in a way that makes it comfortable to read it kind of at least??? though the coloring is very sloppy lol
anyways return of beetle girl

panel 1: angel is in his pre-calc class, struggling. to his left is a girl with short black hair whose listening to music. angel is thinking, "ugh, why the hell is this so hard..."
panel 2: angel looks to the girl next to him's paper.
panel 3: angel's face lights up in delightful surprise.
panel 4: angel exclaims to himself, stunned, "BEETLE GIRL?!" when he sees the artist the girl is listening to.
panel 5: angel smiles while thinking to himself "damn, it's so cool finding a fellow fan out in the wild...".
panel 6: angel looks over to the girl again and thinks "and they're listening to a good song too!!!"
panel 7: the panel shows a closeup of the song the girl is listening to. angel praises the album the song is from in his thoughts, thinking "UGHHHH i love her debut album so much, wow..."
panel 8: angel's thoughts are cut off abruptly when the girl skips the song. the eighth panel shows a new song by BEETLE GIRL and angel's reaction is less elated, thinking "—oh. well that one's okay too."
panel 9: once again, the girl quickly skips the song and the panel shows a new song. angel recoils in his thoughts, thinking "UGH, THAT SONG?!" "such a stupid corny dud love song that blew up for no reason."
panel 10: the girl beams and mouths 'so good' while listening to the song. angel is baffled. filled with disgust, he thinks "AND SHE LIKES IT???"
panel 11: the girl happily listens to the song, so overjoyed she's hyperbolically depicted crying. upon seeing her reaction, angel shields himself from her using his left hand and exclaims, "NEVERMIND, WE ARE NOT THE SAME..."
BKNY Scraps - summer-fall 2023
scraps of the comic project i started then ended right before summer break ended. i intended it to be this trip to new york my characters took on summer break during a summer when i, coincidentally, went to new york 2 times. (it was terrible i hated it i hate new york) anyways i only ever finished the first chapter (the chapters were "days" and the trip was meant to last 7 days) before summer break basically ended asnd i never picked it up after; only like the first 5 pages of c2 were made.
going into it, i had no plan and just wanted to have fun and no plan for how the days would go by, though there were multiple times i tried to use a google doc to plan it out ??? i dont know. i tried to have fun and all the pages are made in like different mediums, styles, and levesl of effort cause i though i was being quirky and funny. it makes it hard as fuck to read and my phone camera sucks so for some of the bits i drew on lined paper, for example, with a thinass pen, you can hardly read anything and its just embarrasing. also i drew so differently back then lmao
im kind of sad i gave up on this and ill definitely pick it up again one day but for now i dont have the motivation. making comics takes so much time and planning and even small shorts tires me out.
looking back on it i am simultaniously both cringed out as fuck (the dialogue) and proud of myself for making the first cahpter. it give me a bit of nostalgia for the summer. like a sentimental freak. shut up.
also i was gonna host the comic on neocities and i still have the page with all of chapter 1. you can guess the url if you wish guess??! i will release it when i overcome cripppling embarrassment at how one dimensional i potrayed my characters lmfao
in the meantime here are some scraps of what i have on hand
Swedish Fish - c1
i forgot at gas stations all snacks are in bulk/big so i think this gas station giving out only these tiny little swedish fish bags is so funny and cute kekddnwd,m

page 1: angel walks out from a gas station convinence store, carrying a plastic bag of snacks. across from him, carlos is sat on top of their car's hood, waiting for the rest of them to come out. angel says to him "we're done, got some snacks." carlos asks back "did you get anything for me?"
page 2: "yeah, youre favorite...i think?" angel replies, unsure. "yeah?" carlos playfully mimes while hopping down from the hood of the car, expectant. angel digs the bag and takes out a small bag of swedish fish candy. "you really like swedish fish, right?" he asks carlos.
Water - chapter 2
ignore the fact i wholey didnt know how a bonnet worked or that it was made of was made out of satin then.....thank you

page 1, panel 1: angel furrows his eyebrows, on the cusp of waking up from sleep.
page 1, panel 2: angel jolts awake and his eyes open up in alertness.
page 1, panel 3: on the left side of the panel, angel frowns, while on the right, wiggly letters spell out his thoughts "oh my god, I NEED TO VOMIT". uneasy spirals and lines form a vignette around him and his thoughts.
page 1, panel 4: in a continuous sequence, angel jumps out of bed, slams open the bathroom door, and pukes out into the toilet. while he's puking, wiggly, dripping lettering over his head spell out "bleghh".
page 1, panel 5: panel five shows a close up of angel's face with a nauseous expression. he thinks to himself, "jesus, what happened? did i eat something bad? what the fuck, am I allergic to cheese or something??" (for dinner, him and his frieads ate pizza). around him, he's surrounded by wiggly spirals and lines.
page 1, panel 6: angel flushes the toilet with the same nauseous expression. he thinks, "ughh, whatever, i'll think about it tomorrow."
page 2, panel 1:angel holds his hand against his forehead with a pained expression.
page 2, panel 2: while still facing the other way, he's startled when he heards carlos calling out for him from outside the bathroom, asking "..angel..? you good?"
page 2, panel 3: carlos, with his phone's flash pointed at angel, he asks "what are you doing?"
page 2, panel 4: angel shields the intense light of carlo's phone flash from his face, irritatedly yelling at him "don't point your phone light to me straight into my eyes you dick.??!" carlos counters "it's too dark i couldn't see!"
page 3, panel 1: carlos frowns and asks angel, "really, what're you doing? it looks like youre sick like you just puked or something," genuinely concerned. "HAH checks out" angel says while fumbling with his hair. "wait, did you actually?" carlos asks again. "..yeah" angel admits.
page 3, panel 2: carlos then asks angel "you're good now though right?" "yeah, my head just hurts a bit," angel says while pressing his palm against his head.
page 3, panel 3: "oh, i got some aspirin in my bag, ill get it" carlos replies as they both walk out of the bathroom.
page 4, panel 1: angel pours out two aspirin tablets from a bottle of aspirin.
page 4, panel 2: angel swallows the aspirin pills.
page 4, panel 3: "thanks for that" angel tells carlos.
page 4, panel 4: "you're a lot nicer to me when im sick," angel adds snarkily.
page 4, panel 5: "well, obviously, i'm still your friend. water?" carlos asks while holding out a water bottle. "oh, thanks," angel replies.
page 5, panel 1: angel suddenly looks down at the bottle in realization, and starts, "-wait-".
page 5, panel 2: "isn't this your water bottle?" angel asks carlos.
page 5, panel 3: "hah yea, would've been funny if you drank it." carlos cheekily remarks. "tTHATS not even funny that's just gross" angel says, grossed out.
page 5, panel 4: "nevermind, you're just a gross dick all the time," angel says, taking back his initial "compliment". carlos holds in a laugh.
page 5, panel 5: "whatever, i'm gonna go back to sleep" carlos says while plopping himself back onto his bed.
page 5, panel 5: "you'll be good, yeah?" carlos asks once again. "yeah," angel assures. "cool, night." carlos finally says. the page fades into a dark gradient.