an entry for heartsynth_ on instagram (writing this in reverse order the art entries to the top's description were written out before this one, theres a lot of stuff for instagram idk in the brainrot era i guess)'s draw this in ur style challenge! was fun. this was partially drawn (namely the chibi, an 100% in car creation) in a car. i had a pose in my head and i definetly.. drew it!! its not like, stunning anatomy work, but when was i ever about that lololol. i think the hand is quit nice tho. rendering this went sluggishly, cause im stupiddd. did that thing where id choose a color hardly different from the base and just do the same stroke over and over again. i was in that stalling mood, sort of i guess. its very flat by my standards, but it look like 8 hours i think still. not that im not proud of it! still like it a lot i think. the hairs best described to be very strand-ly, i like it when i draw hair and it does that. hate drawing buckles so a character whos outfit si basically just that kinda killed me, i had trouble mainly with the one of the chest cause i couldnt get the prespective correct. it still looks too.. up?? i guess, but its fine, ill live with it. titling this "angel" because i just decided to write angel on the thing for aesthetic and space-filling purposes only, its not the characters name no. decorated it with butterfly images and blue stars to compliment the yellow hues. the background is just a faux chromatic aberration where i copied the character, shifted the hues, then placed it on different sides, maybe some distortion and mirrioring too i dont know did this too long ago to remember. also decided to use a dot brush to add some form of "shading" for no reason at all, but i guess it looks cool!! not a lot of inspiration i derrived for this, or any notes that arent just the process and thoughts, just wanted to draw this guy on the floor doing something and made it silly.s