Bladee (real name Benjamin Reichwald) is a swedish rapper, singer, designer, media/visual creator and most well known member of the artist collective drain gang. he is an artist under the YEAR0001 record label.
abstract lyrics, ethereal beats, and a voice like no other, bladee's music is truly unique and immensely influential to the underground. througout the years, hes frequently changed styles and experimented with expressing himself as an artist.
Brief History

His first ever known music venture was his band, krossad, an amateur noise band bladee was a part of when he was 13. this part is very unimportant besides for the fact him and fellow member of dg ecco2k were a part of it. i dont know much besides from that besides him and ecco went to school together (i thinK?)
sometime much later he began posting songs on soundcloud under the name "ken burns". the songs he made were pretty shit but an interesting look at his life then. heres one of the songs he made (ft ecco then 'malcolm sex', prod whitearmor then 'DJ CANNABIZ'

he was then introduced to yung lean by his brother and they began making music. he featured on lean's project "unknown death 2002" (2013) and they would become frequent collaborators who work with eachother even beyond music, like bladee becoming a designer for his merch brand, yung lean gear.
the two groups bladee and lean are a part of; drain gang and sadboys, are also very interconnected in history and aesthetic. they all frequently collaborate and work on stuff together. most fans of one at least know the other.
also something about drain gang being formed after the fall of another collective called smög boys happened sometime idk much about that.
2014 bladee releases his debut album gluee, a sweet, ethereal, jarring take on rap. its seriously one of the most ahead of its time projects ever, espeically considering this was released in 2014....but ill stop here (look at the project review section for my opinion on it).
many singles were released, many of them really beautiful, all using the same sound he achieved in gluee; emotional, abstract ballads and loosely tied together raps lathered in autotune over ethereal and adventourous beats. most people (non-drainers) would probably listen to these songs are hate it but to me its very special, maybe even perfect. its so beautiful and healing
he was supposed to have released a project called rainworld but it never happened :( compilations of what it mightve been like are on yt.
at this point, everyones kind of blowing up (especially yung lean after kyoto/unknown memory) so they have more money and 20 year old white people love to do drugs so the guys did drugs and now its become a pretty prevalent theme in his songs.

then in 2016 he dropped eversince, his second studio album and favorite among many of his fans (myself included?!)
taking a completely different direction from his previous work. stripping away the autotune and evolving past the jarringly industrial sound gluee pushed, eversince embraced a dirtier, more raw, disgusting yet angelic approach.
most of the songs he released at/after this point are pretty much lost to time but this period was some of my favorite output from him tbh. bladee is forever ahead of his time and its the most true in these years; his sound he developed years ago now perfectly predicted as well as helped shape the landscape of the modern-day underground scene.

later in the year, bladee releases working on dying, a project executively produced by producer group working on dying. it featured more what would be considered "proper rapping", and has a very dirty, faster-paced sound which has aged extrodinarily well considering the current sound of the underground (probably thanks to the wodg production). its also a very clear transition from eversince to what would be red light the following year.
additional projects released: rip bladee2018-2019

these years were pretty pivotal for bladee and gtbsbe as a whole. firstly, he dropped red light may of 2018. it, once again, progressed from the sound of eversince. the beats were more 'alive' and rythmatic which paired with his autotuned, melancolic melodic delivery more akin to singing than rapping. following the release was the announcement of bladees first solo show at some place in london idfk.
from then on, hes slowly moving away from his overtly sad, pessimistic style to something else. he releases a bunch of smaller EPS which all range in aesthetic but all fit within yet advance his style.
finally, in december, bladee drops the mixtape icedancer, executively produced by australian producer group rippsquad. it had delay being put onto streaming services because of improper use of a song in the last track, but in the end it was resolved.
icedancer was a huge change in style for bladee. dropping everything he had before, bladee instead embraced an electronic,
additional projects released: sunset in silver city, plastic surgery, exile, vanilla sky