Misc Thoughts on Halloween


pixel witch girl doll

its cool for sure!!!! im not like. number #1 halloween fan or anything but i appreciate it. i like the community aspect of it where everyone collectively decides to put up scary decorations, costumes of monsters and whatnot. i think thats cool and in its core, one of the purest forms of human interaction.

trick or treating

gyaru bat girl drawing

im not gonna go this year because i simply dont want to and would prefer celebrating my halloween night other ways. also i just dont like candy a lot tbh!!! not like i dont have insatiable cravings for certain types of candy, just generally, all the chocolatey stuff, the mainstay of halloween candy, isnt 4 me (i dont like chocolate)

however, i do think this is a nice tradition and cool for community bonding and such. in the same vain, though, its awkward as hell knocking on doors in courts and neighborhoods youre not too familiar with. its less so when youre a kid, and adults will be nice to you, but once you appear older than like the age of 9 these adults fucking switch up on u!!!!. like. maybe i am not 5 years old but can you put in some care into saying "bye" or try to be nice pls its for my feelings

trick or treating animation

honestly, ive never really loved trick or treating, but i still did it because it felt like a staple part of halloween. what other day of the year do you get to dress up all silly, walk through rooms/pass houses and buildings decorated to look haunted and uninhabitable, or be granted universal permission to just eat a shit ton of candy????

also, final note, this is probably the most capitalist part of this holiday, stores selling bags of candy bars, companies probably making a shit ton. which is unfortunate but oh well

pumpkin carving

pumpkin illustration

ive done this once or twice before, i think i might do it this year! all the times ive done it i was like 9 so i needed parental guidance so i didnt cut my fingers off or something, but i feel confident this year. years i would go out trick or treating, or just walks around the neighborhood, i would always get jealous of houses with really coolass, ornate carved pumpkins. the ones that you dont even cut through the skin all the way, instead revealing the peachy colored skin with careful cuts to create a sort of second shade, allowing complex carvings of ghibli characters, spookyER faces, etc. to be made

maybe ill do one like this year ill report back here:

black cats

black cats are lucky and are one of the cutest colors a cat can be, actually. their dark fur obscures their form, which is a fun trait to have. youll find them taking on all sorts of incomprehensible, confusing shapes, especially when theyre in a shadowy area or something

while this cat is not a black cat, this is a fun thing to talk about. theres this lady in my neighborhood who just lets her cat out at night with a glowstick necklace on. everytime i think about this i think about how unsafe this is, but to my knowledge, the guys ok, so all is still well

haunted houses

old haunted house gif

ive never been to one but i think i might shit my pants if i do even if its a little scary. my scare tolerance is ridiculously and something like just a little bit of tension in something like a movie will make me feel so on edge and insane amounts of anxiety. my gore tolerance is also terrible, even a bit of blood (in some situations) will make me sick, im not sure how id react to things like jumpscares since my experience with them is very limited, but idk.

orange haunted house clipart

one time, though, when i went to ocean city, i went on this "haunted" roller coaster ride if that counts for anything. actually it doesnt and it was a waste of money because i literally just squinted my eyes the whole time and listened to my mom shriek the whole way through lmfaoo. all i saw was us dropping down in this area where there were two skeleton dolls dressed up in vague formal attire

i think id go to one just to see how it is.

my dream house, actually, is to live in a cute, cozy, single family victorian.