what is this?

collection of all of my many art-related ventures! besides coding, art and all those visual creative associated with it are my main ways of expressing myself.
i have been drawing for a long time and its always been a comfort for me. my inspirations are constantly changing, but im always inspired by nature, various manga artists such as the works of daisuke igarashi, takeshi obata, and other artists around me ^__^. i draw stuff i like is the best way i can say. pretty fem-ish characters, fruit, various textures and interesting blend mode/colors are things i like to use/draw
- images are shown here with a dithered preview to increase load time & not destroy computer
- click on image to load full artwork
- images where i have something to say about their creation process or something has a link attached called "talk". you can click on it to open up a raw .txt file. its hard to read tho so you may want to use reader mode (if availible) or other means to open it. sorry this was the best way i could think of making the code nice and short but still accessible T__T
- uploaded most --> least recent to the best of my ability tho might be ordered wrong
- i mainly draw on my shitty but prized iphone se using ibis paint x with my finger and hatred coarsing through my veins
- when im on the puter (macbook air 2012), tho, i like to use firealpaca
- ...or jspaint (because mspaint and dearest tuxpaint are inaccessible to me :()
- ...or kidpix online
- random pens and mechanical pencils i find at school + stationary yellow highlighter combo
- prismacolor premier colored pencils 48
- random alcohol markers i was gifted from random lady whos a friend of my mom (most likely acquired from a site like alibaba kekk...)
- fineliner pens gifted from same lady above
- random sketchpad or just scraps of paper, lined notebook paper, i draw on anything
- dither me this - generator used for image dithering
- catbox - main site used to upload the full sized drawings onto ^__^
- image compressor - what i use to keep file sizes for the images on this page specifically small :)